6/9 8th Grade Graduation
6/12 Last Day of School
10/2 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
10/9-10/10 Shop for Schools
10/14 No School: Indigenous Peoples’ Day
10/17 Walk-A-Thon: Pep Rally 8:45 am on Hawthorne Turf (Rain date, if necessary: 10/18)
9/2 No School: Labor Day
9/4 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
9/9 Grades K-2 Curriculum Night, 5:15-7:00 pm
9/10 Grades 3-5 Curriculum Night, 5:15-7:00 pm
9/12 Grades 6-8 Curriculum Night, 5:15-7:00 pm
9/15 HSA Family Fun Fest on the Hawthorne Turf
9/27 No School: School Improvement Day
3/5 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
3/7 Hawthorne's Annual Spring Fundraiser @ Artifact Events
3/24-3/28 No School: Spring Break
3/31 No School: School Improvement Day
4/1 No School: Parent-Teacher Conferences/Teacher Luncheon
4/2 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
4/18 No School: Professional Development Day
4/23 Bad Momz Comedy Night Out
8/22 Kindergarten Picnic on Hawthorne Turf, 5:00 pm
8/26 First Day of School and PTA Meet and Greet, 8:45 am
8/30 HSA Movie Night on Hawthorne Turf
2/5 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
2/7 Student Raffle Kickoff (runs through 2/28)
2/17 No School: President's Day
2/25 No School: Professional Development Day
11/4 No School: Parent-Teacher Conferences and Teacher Luncheon
11/5 No School: Election Day
11/6 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
11/25-11/29 No School: Thanksgiving Holiday
1/8 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
1/20 No School: M.L. King Day
1/21 No School: School Improvement Day
5/3-5/11 Online Book Fair
5/7 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
5/5-5/9 Teacher Appreciation Week
5/26 No School: Memorial Day
12/4 PTA General Meeting, 8:45 am in the North Basement
12/12 PTA Holiday Fair and Book Fair
12/23-1/3 No School: Winter Break